Training Partnership

Training Partnership

Being one of the most professional manpower supply agencies in Bangladesh, Salam Trading International (STI ) is always available to support for recruiting and training workers as requirements from employers. Moreover, we have built and developed the system of training center and associated with vocational training schools to train both current and new employees in the latest technologies.
Our partner training centers are equipped with the advanced curriculum as well as experienced teachers trained domestic and abroad to provide the high-qualified manpower to meet the recruiting demands of employers.


Training Centers We Partner With

⚒⛑ Unique Vocational Training Center Ltd
Dhaka, Bangladesh

⚒⛑ Bangladesh-Korea Technical Training Centre
Dhaka, Bangladesh

⚒⛑ Bangladesh German Technical Training Center
Dhaka, Bangladesh

⚒⛑ Singapore Piling South Point Test Centre
Dhaka, Bangladesh

⚒⛑ Saudi Bangla Training & Testing Centre
Dhaka, Bangladesh

⚒⛑ Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training (BMET)

⚒⛑ Ahsanullah Institute of Technical & Vocational Education & Training
Dhaka, Bangladesh

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